Call: 905-832-7783

Preschool Program

Preschool Program ( 2.6 – 3.8 yrs. ) (Ratio 8:1)

This program offers a stimulating combination of the Montessori Method and the Reggio Emilia Approach to learning. Using Montessori materials, children absorb complex skills in Language Arts and Mathematics. Social skills continue to develop as children engage in Project Work, which integrates all subject areas; Language, Mathematics, Science, Visual Arts, Music , Phys. Ed, and Drama. Project work allows children to construct and represent their knowledge through various modes of expression. As children collaborate and debate with their peers, they are challenged to use their higher-order thinking skills as they encounter and explore various topics during long-term projects. To complement the program, French is introduced by a specialized teacher.

Parents receive monthly newsletters and curriculums outlining objectives, important events and reminders. A progress report is distributed at the end of first term, and report cards are distributed at the end of second and third terms.  Parent-teacher interviews are scheduled before the first term reporting period. Any further communication between parent and teacher and/or the Director can be made by email, appointment, or by telephone, at any time throughout the school year. Homework is assigned regularly and a detailed curriculum is available upon request.

**Children must be toilet trained for this program.


“Almost 7 years ago, we came to North Hill Private School with our daughter Gabby. Leaving your child in someone’s care for the first time is always a daunting proposition, and I remember that feeling of anxiety as I drove out of the parking lot on those first few days, North Hill was exceptional, in so many ways. Gabby’s first teacher, Miss Boccia, was so patient and caring and made that first year so enjoyable for Gabby.”

- Allard Family