Food Services

Food Services

Health and wellness is an integral part of our everyday lives. At North Hill, we promote healthy eating habits by providing fresh, well-balanced, nutritious meals on a daily basis. Our meals are served in a sit-down family-style setting, and our food is lovingly prepared by our qualified nutritionists who are trained in food preparation and handling. This ensures that all health and safety regulations are being met. We also follow the Canada’s Daily Food Guide to assist us in providing your child with all the nutrients required to assist them to be at their best throughout the school day.

In addition, North Hill is a nut-safe environment. We pride ourselves in ensuring that all allergies and food restrictions are strictly adhered to. Nut-free policy with strict guidelines; accommodating allergic intolerances and cultural restrictions.

We provide

  • Wholesome hot lunches and snacks, made on the premises – ALL included in tuition fees
  • Organic Produce (selected items upon availability), grain fed chicken and meat from local butcher in support of local farmers.
  • Very limited processed foods, i.e. muffins, chicken fingers, and sauces, all lovingly prepared, “from scratch”
We look forward to serving you.


“Almost 7 years ago, we came to North Hill Private School with our daughter Gabby. Leaving your child in someone’s care for the first time is always a daunting proposition, and I remember that feeling of anxiety as I drove out of the parking lot on those first few days, North Hill was exceptional, in so many ways. Gabby’s first teacher, Miss Boccia, was so patient and caring and made that first year so enjoyable for Gabby.”

- Allard Family