Camp Oochigaes – 2015/2016

October 31, 2016 Published by
Post Categories: Special Events

This school year, we chose Camp Oochigaes for our fundraising campaign. We were successful in raising a total of $10,000.00 thanks to the generosity and collaborative spirit of our North Hill community. With the total of these funds, we were able to send children with cancer to attend Camp Oochigaes during the summer of 2016. Our fundraising efforts allowed 5 children to attend one week at Camp Oochigaes, and 11 children for one full day.

As with every fundraising campaign, we attempt to make it a part of our curriculum throughout the year. So we thought we could inspire children to create their very own great works of art, which would then be auctioned off at the end of the year, to help raise funds for Camp Oochigaes.

During the school year, our preschoolers were introduced to the works of famous artists and illustrators; namely, Kandinsky, Lois Ehlert, Jan Brett, Monet, Van Gogh, Jackson Pollock and Barbara Reid. Our preschoolers got busy “expressing themselves” and creating their very own masterpieces. By giving our preschoolers various opportunities for self-expression, they were able to reveal their thoughts, feelings, and ideas, through speaking, music, art, dance and drama.

Not only did our preschoolers create great pieces of art; they also engaged in music and dance routines, carefully chosen to express each individual artist and illustrator at the yearend production – “Express Yourself”.

Our JK to elementary students were also engaged in art interpretation and expression, as they got busy creating artwork inspired by various famous artists; namely, Ernest Eugene Barnes, Picasso, Chagall, Horace Pippin, Frida Kalho, Henry Moore, and Van Gogh.

North Hill students (JK to Elementary) were truly “Captured by Art”, as they stretched their minds beyond the boundaries of printed text, and let their imagination soar from rigid certainty. They queried on the possibility that perhaps there is a little magic, and art really can come to life!  Again, not only did they create their very own works of art, they also interpreted and expressed themselves through music, drama and dance at our yearend production “Captured by Art”.

Children’s artwork was displayed at both productions as they took pride in their accomplishments in creating their masterpieces! All proceeds from the silent auction of children’s artwork were put towards our fundraising campaign, Camp Oochigaes.

We could not have achieved this goal without the collaborative spirit of staff, parents, and students of North Hill. We helped in giving children and families who are struggling with illness an opportunity to take a break, and just have fun! What a wonderful way to give back to children and families in need.

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”

                                                                 Vincent Van Gogh